English version / Services / Audit


In the field of audit and tax consulting I.L.T.S. is collaborating with a subsidiary structure – CJSC "I.L.T.S.-Audit" (member of the Moscow Chamber of Auditors since 1999 – hereinafter referred to as "I.L.T.S.-Audit").

Proceeding from this collaboration I.L.T.S. can offer the following accounting and auditing services to its clients on economically acceptable terms.
Statutory audit (audit of bookkeeping (financial) statements of enterprises and organizations in accordance with auditing standards), including:
Tax audit (verification of compliance with the legal standards of the order of formation, recording and payment of the economic operator of taxes and other payments to budgets of various levels and extra-budgetary funds, and providing other related services on tax matters), including:
Financial audit (the audit for the owners and managers, an independent review of internal financial statements of the client company to establish the authenticity and correctness of accounting information), including: